tiempo estimado de lectura : 3
28 Feb

On this page of our Free OpenBoR Game Store, you can download Path of Shadow Dancer v2.04 quickly, easily, and safely. 

Community Forum of the game

The creator's Youtube Channel - Iceweb38

Path of Shadow Dancer and its upgraded version to 2.04 are great games produced by SorR societtes.
But what is the game?
This is a very good combination of elements from different series.
Path of Shadow Dancer is dedicated to the former SEGA Megadrive/Genezis series, Shinobi.
A number of elements have been borrowed, such as architecture, style, and decor. There are numerous secret entrances and paths to discover and unlock. There are a number of traps in the fog, as well as an additional quest—a hidden password to find.
Your new journey will take you away from Wood Oak City. and you will cross the Atlantic Ocean, and the base of Mr.X is increasingly mysterious. The spirit of ancient traditions and powerful samurais hovers in the atmosphere. These areas make up a significant part of Mr. X's army, and now their world is full of shadows and invisible obstacles. There are numerous treasures to be unlocked.

Path of Shadow Dancer uses the core of the original BomberGames game, and in this way, you will be able to add and use all the innovations that are typical of the Streets of Rage remake.

Creator of this game is Iceweb38
SoR Remake society.

How can we install the Path of Shadow Dancer?
Download SoR Remake first. 
Then download the Path of Shadow Dancer mod.
Unzip it, copy the folder of the Path of Shadow Dancer, and paste it into the Games folder of SoR Remake.
\ Streets of Rage Remake \ mod \ games
Turn on the game from SorR.exe and select SOR-MAKER from the menu.
That's all—play and fun! 

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New Blaze and Weapons by Teramussa and SoRR Community

Download SoR Remake v5.2- unlocked!

Download !  Streets of Rage Remake clear!

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⭐👉Download Path of Shadow Dancer v2.04 [Super Fast-Terabox]
⭐👉Download via Archive [Regular]

New Blaze and Weapons Data [Patch]

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