tiempo estimado de lectura : 5
11 Jul
New life for SoR !

From this page of our free games store, you can download the full version of the game Streets of Rage Redux 1.1, as well as a number of add-ons and extensions for it, through which you can play better. Now it's fast, easy, secure, and convenient.

 The new version of Streets of Rage Redux is extremely good. Let's just, to the praises of the previous version, briefly add the novelties.
Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 takes a huge step forward in the overall gameplay, which turns the game into a complete product. Almost 2 hours of active gameplay. There are lots of new ornaments. There are two junctions from which you will be able to choose your own route. Although the ending is common to all, the gameplay is different and rich. The changes compared to the previous version, Redux 1.0, are so many and deep that you will be left with the conviction that you are playing a completely new sequel.
The story is interesting and exciting, and the action is intense. But it is noticeable that firearms and swordplay are missing. The only guns you can find are on the roof of the train to the third stage. If you want to play in a shooter style, you can turn on the option "Keep hold of weapons between stages" from the Blaze store. This will allow you to carry over every single attribute to the next round.
All furniture and arrangements in Streets of Rage Redux are the work of their author. We must mention that this is also one of the best games produced by the SorR community, which deserves high praise.

The authors of this mod are Grandmaster White Lotus and  SorR community.

Very good. The new version of SoR Redux - v1.1, makes the game more complete and fascinating. Excellent game story.
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Developer: Grandmaster White Lotus [YouTube Channel]

Developer: Game Page [Community Forum]
Engine: Streets of Rage Remake
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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New Recompilation! [Fixed]
⭐👉Download Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 [Fast-Terabox] New Recompilation Fixed
👉 Download Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 [Regular] New Recompilation Fixed
Clear Game! [Fixed]
⭐👉 Download Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 [Clear-Redy to play] Fixed
⭐👉 Download Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 [Clear-Only Mod] Fixed
Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 Ready to play
Streets of Rage Redux 1.1 - the mod file
⭐👉 Download SorR5.1 Ready to play REDUX 1.1 
⭐👉 Download by Red Brilliant Fox

⭐👉 Download SorR5.2 Rudra 2029 platform - SoR REDUX 1.0 + 1.1
👉 Download from the Author [YouTube]

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