Double Dragon III - A Pedra do Dragão

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fighting dragons  A unique, great true achievement from the world of OpenBoR art. This is the game The Dragon Stone, dedicated to the saga of Double Dragon. A new hero has been added, the Sony hero - an extremely strong fighter. You will find it in most of this author's works.Your adventures begin in the rainy nights of North America, pass through the mysteries of ancient Egypt and rise all the way to space, to the power of the flying pyramid.
But the path is quite interesting, the missions are intriguing and your skills are intense.
The game teaches different bonus levels for training where you can train and learn special techniques and techniques.

The game is quite interesting, but also very difficult. You will have a hard time fighting your opponents. They are faster than you, and they hit a long distance. All this means that Double Dragon III - The Dragon Stone is for real fans. If you train you will find it very practical to attack your enemies from the sides. Frontal attacks are almost useless. You will also learn to use special strokes, which are still quite difficult to perform. However, with more precision you will be able to turn them into a great weapon.
The decorations are active. The richly decorated arrangement of the sets is also active, which means that a lighted fire that is part of the decoration of the game could set you on fire.
Unlike most OpenBoR games, here in Double Dragon III - The Dragon Stone you will not be able to use the cheats menu. So your credits are only provided from the beginning of the game. In addition, they are common to all, and if you play with an additional player, the credits will be split between you.
This makes the game quite difficult and you will have to rely solely on your gamer skills.

You can support the author and his works here!

Double Dragon III - The Dragon Stone has been created by Gabo Hanzo  and OpenBoR society. 

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