Mortal Kombat 11 MUGEN

On this page of our Free MUGEN Games Store, you may download Mortal Kombat 11 M.U.G.E.N + Screen Pack directly, quickly, and securely.

A game with its own presence in the space of the mugens. This is MK 11 MUGEN.
Animation can be part of the authors' own audit approach. The game looks more like part of DC-MUGEN than Mortal Kombat. This is not the graphics of this saga, although it looks very good and is definitely an innovative approach.
The power of this game is elsewhere. Innovation fulfills the full potential of creation, especially mechanics. It copies that of CAPCOM and SNK by adding six play buttons. However, they are loaded with the qualities of MK, and thus, great, unique gameplay is obtained. The combination of each controller unlocks a different skill; a combination of down, down, and forward + each key >>> unlocks a hyper attack, and the controller back organizes a blockade.
Although not typical of Mortal Kombat, the cartoon shapes fit perfectly. These images are well animated and well constructed.

This game was created by Esdras K8mbat and M.G.U.E.N. community. 

Installation: Download ===>> unzip ===>> play

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Developer: Esdras K8mbat
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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