if you need ===>> | ||
Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<=== | ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club | |
Final Fight Game Club <<=== | ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Dragon Ball | |
Beats of Rage Game Club <<=== | ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent | |
Streets of Rage Game Club <<=== | ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat | |
These Character patches are produced and made available for free use by the SorR community. including daniel222.
Author of this charrakter is - Diavoletto.
Instructions - how we can install the Geese Howard's character patch?
This patch is tested and works on SorR5.1
- Download SoR Remake V5.1 first.
- Create a data folder in the main derectory of SorR 5.1.
(this means that you need to create a simple, empty new folder to rename to "data")
- Download and unzip - Geese Howard Character patch.
A folder called Geese will be displayed
- copy the contents of the Geese folder and paste it into the .data folder that you created.
\ Streets of Rage Remake V5.1 \ data
Turn on the game from SorR.exe
Thats all - play and fun!
this clip from The Areton'S - Web World Guide on their channel оn youtube
free unzipper 7zip Download
This patch is tested and works on SorR5.1
in the newer version 5.2 there are some inconsistencies and it cannot be used.
Note ! - if there are people among you who want to adapt this image for version 5.2, they can always do it.
You can visit the forum page of the creators through the link at the beginning of the article.
To use the Geese image, you will first need to unlock Shiva's character from the Blaze store. If you wish, you can use this ready-made safe-file to replace yours. All attributes are unlocked.