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Calles de Rage 3: Fight 'n Rage 3

Through this page of our Free Game Store, you can quickly, easily, and safely download the game Streets of Rage 3: Fight 'n Rage 3 Patch, as well as the necessary emulator to play it.

Characters Gal, F. Norris, and Ricardo from Fight 'n Rage have made their way into Streets of Rage 3 through Yoni Arousement's fan-made patch. This patch introduces these three characters into the game, taking the places of Axel, Blaze, and Skate. Now, players can experience the Streets of Rage storyline in an entirely new way. Joining forces as a formidable team of super fighters, players will set out on a quest to defeat Mr. X. The patch is ready for download, offering an enhanced gameplay experience on your devices.

How to fix the Red Screen Error for .bin files [Genessis]?
This error occurs because of an incorrect checksum.
To fix the inconsistency, load the already-finished patched version of the file into the ''Fix CheckSum'' program and press the button to execute the correction.

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Developer: Yoni Arousement [YouTube Channel]
Platform: GNU / GENS
Engine: Genesis
Type: Patch
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Need Installation / Ready to play

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