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👉 Battle Stormer Classics BSC2 -MUGEN

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Battle Storme Classics is a great project created by two of the most outstanding representatives of the Brazilian MUGEN school. Zvitor and OIlusionista (Brazil Mugen Team) have created for us a great adventure in the world of fighters. The game is more reminiscent of platform games like Smash Bros Clash. However, you will be convinced that this is a true fighting game in the style of "VS".
So, there are 22 characters available from different universes. Marvel, DC, but also many others. You will find Batman, Superman or the Incredible Hulk. You will also be able to choose Tyris Flare, Brad Fang who is also the wolf from the Hard Corps game, but also Hagane, Robocom and Red Ranger from the Powar Rangers franchise.
And a typical crossover that builds its own alternative universe of our well-known fighting games.
With its very good animation and excellent gameplay quality, Battle Storme Classics promises to be a real treat for MUGEN fans.

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