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¡Mugen Multiverse por CrosMosWuan!

And here we can offer you one of the most complete mutliverse games created for MUGEN. An excellent offer that will satisfy even the most demanding fans of mutliverse gaming.
The new game is called Mugen Multiverse by CrosMosWuan!!
The author has tried to add over 150 separate stages and arenas, and the main characters in the game are 360. Apart from that, you will also find many more hidden playable fighters to play with. In fact, nearly 1,500 characters are waiting to be discovered by their fans. They are hidden on the sides of the main menu.
The featured fighters are representative of their respective universes. Fighters from Street Fighter, Samurai Shodown, KoF, Fatal Fury, Mortal Kombat, Marvel and DC are most strongly represented.
In fact, however, the presented categories are much more. There are even such cheerful images as Sonic the Hedgehog or the Simpsons.

Author: CrosMosWuan!!

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Good MUGEN Games to Download!

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