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Marvel vs.Capcom X 3.0

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From this page on our site, you can download the Marvel vs. Capcom X 3.0 game.

As you know, Brazil is the country from which some of the best Mugen games originate. Long traditions, enthusiastic developers, and fans make Mugen Brazil an emblem for fan games of professional quality.
The famous ''Brazilian Mugen Team'' and O Ilisionista also occupy the main place there. Many of you know this team precisely through its diligent doer, O Ilisionista. Their work includes a huge amount of sprites, characters, stages, various projects, and many whole games.

And here's the new game from this team, ready to download and play. It is called Marvel Vs. Capcom X 3.0 and is a typical MultiverSe.
The game is still under development, but you can now play its beta version as of October 2023.
It comes to us with a set of 36 characters from Marvel's and Capcom's universes. As you might guess, these are the best and most popular fighters in both universes. You will find such superheroes as Iron Man, the incredible Hulk, the Cyclop, the unit of the X-Men, Electro, and others. On the other hand, Capcom representatives include Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Vampire Demitri, Batsu, Rockman, and, of course, Akuma.
This version is characterized by a medium level of difficulty. You won't be defeated. However, the next versions will be far more intriguing, so you can get an idea of the game portfolio from now on.

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Developer: O Ilusionista / Brazil Mugen Team 
You can support the author to continue creating as before. Developer's Patreon
Developer's Official Website: BMT – Brazil Mugen Team
Develope's Facebook Page: Facebook Page 
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
Genre: VERSUS / Fighting
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play [DEMO]

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