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Marvel vs DC: Cómics MultiVersus

On this page of our free superhero games store, you can quickly and easily download the game Marvel vs. DC: Comics MultiVersus.

Well, here is a game from MUGEN that will gather many fans. It is part of the Marvel vs. DC multiverse series and comes to us with a huge amount of selectable characters from both universes.
You will find a total of 240 characters. Among them are the great Ultron, Magneto, Apocalypse, Onslaught, and Galactus. Among the characters you will find are especially the famous Ant-Man, Batman, several new varieties of Supermen, Wolverine from the X-Men, Iron Chovek, the fighters from the Fantastic Four, and the entire Green Lantern Corps. A few more lantern fighters of the different colors and symbols that are present are: Atrocitus (Rage), Saint Walkier (Hope), Larfleeze (Greed), and Sinestro (Terror)
Well, if you like superhero games, then the game Marvel vs DC: Comics MultiVersus is right for you. You can download it and play endlessly.

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Developer: MUGEN Community [all credits in game text files]
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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⭐👉Download Marvel vs DC: Comics MultiVersus [Fast-Terabox]
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