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Batalla de cómics X [MUGEN]

On this page of our MUGEN Superheroes game store, you can directly download the game, Comics X Battle [MUGEN], for free, quickly, and securely. 

Ha-ha, an extremely good performance from the world of MUGEN. new, awesome battles between powerful heroes, this time in a massive multiverse. This new game is a massive multiverse [crossover].
This is the game for MUGEN Comics X Battle, and we have uploaded it for download on our site at the request of our fans.
Of course we tested it; it was great fun. Of course, the HD quality of the cover is great. First of all, however, it should be noted that it comes to us with a set of 250 different characters. These are superheroes from Marvel and DC, fighters from SNK [KoF], and Capcom, but you'll also find plenty of characters that have been added for their own merits rather than as part of a brand. So, along with Ounslaught, Batman, Superman Red Son, Ryu, or Rugal, you will also find a whole host of wrestling stars, like Hulk Hogan or Macho Man, but also the God of War Kratos, the Mask, and even the great Rocky Balboa.
Comics X Battle is also quite difficult. This is a multiverse in which bosses are present as selectable characters and at their full potential. You will be able to absorb their mighty power and apply it to a game. Choose any fantasy boss from the series listed and play with it. You will be amazed at how interesting and intense the battles are between these fantastic creatures from this multiverse.

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Developer: SylentEcho [YouTube Channel]
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

We will also store our archived Ikemen-Go games and files in Terabox because it is Easy, Fast, and Free.
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3. Click on the Download link. The files will be downloaded through your App.
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