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Proyecto Mugenation de DC Comics 2021

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DC Comics Mugenation Project for Android & PC Unotag

 Mugenation presents the DC Comics Mugenation Project for Android & PC. This company is really creative. Her best works are super interesting and desired remakes of such brands as Street Fighter, Kof, Marvel or DC.
And here is another super interesting game ready to delight its endless fans.
DC Comics Mugenation Project is of excellent quality. It uses the MUGEN engine and is very similar to another hit Marvel Mugenation Project. In fact, the only difference is that the DC characters are presented here. You will find Batman, CatMan, CatWoman, Superman, Bizaro, Blue Superman, Flash, Black Flash and many more. Particularly impressive is the character of Doktor Manhattan, which is very similar to that of Uren. In addition, along with Aquaman, he is one of the strongest to play. The game offers a platform of 92 heroes that you can choose from in battle. Skeletor and Hi-Man, who are part of the eponymous series about the Lord of the Universe, are also presented as additional characters.

The superheroes from the group of green lanterns perform especially strongly and well. A total of ten different characters, among which are the red Razer flashlight and the blue lantern of hope Sain Walker, as well as the red lantern of rage Antrocitus and Star Sapphire which is one of the lanterns of love.
These characters are especially interesting and attractive in combat.
Fans of this saga can download this game. For them, DC Comics Mugenation Project will be a suitable choice for entertainment.


 This game has been created by Mugenation and mugen society.

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