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Proyecto Marvel Mugenation 2021 para Android y PC

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Marvel-Mugenation Project-2021-Android & PC

 Marvel Mugenation Project 2021 for Android & PC is the updated edition of the Marvel Mugenation Project from 2020. It should be noted that this is a very difficult game. At maximum difficulty, your opponents will be crushing. However, the game also features such characters who have a superpower that exceeds the norms of almost every opponent.
The game brings together a total of 90 selectable characters, including Ultron, Iron Patriot and Onslaught. Of course, Captain America and the rest of the Avengers are present. Another avatar made an impression. Labeled Iron Skul is actually an alternative version of Red Skul. This character seems to have some of Toni Stark's technology and has now made his own exo skeleton. Iron Skul is quite similar to Iron Men but is more dynamic and maneuverable. The main thing is that this is a very rich and colorful variety of Iron Man and no doubt this character will become a favorite of many players.
The Marvel Mugenation Project 2021 is actually one of the best games dedicated to Marvel superheroes. The Avengers, X-man, Ultron and this whole constellation of famous heroes from the Marvel universe, recreated through the MUGEN engine, promise its fans an extremely good game and captivating gameplay.


 This game has been created by Mugenation.it  and mugen society.

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