tiempo estimado de lectura : 3
Apocalipsis de Marvel Super Heroes II

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===
===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
Final Fight Game Club <<===
===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Dragon Ball
Beats of Rage Game Club <<===
===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<===
===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat

The creator's website <<===
Author's YouTube channel <<===
Author's Devianart <<===


New from MUGEN. New, not as an idea but new as an author's approach. This game was created by CHRIS MONVEL. His artistic spirit gives a new, more complete look to the work. A new story and a new gaming atmosphere that gamers will enjoy.
Very good game dedicated to Marvel characters.
Marvel Super Heroes II Apocalypse offers you a choice of 56 well-chosen characters. The models are of the best and the quality workmanship makes the gameplay great.
In addition to the main selectable characters, here you will find eleven other hidden characters, including Spider - MAN 2099, Captain America, Iron Patriot, Agent Venom, Jil of Contagious Evil, Batman, Spawn, Hell Boy, Hydra, Sentinels, Apokalypse. Each of them is a very different fighter and your gameplay will be different every time you choose a new character to play.
Iron Man, War Machine and Ultron perform particularly well. Their abilities have amazing power and surpass that of others. However, your ability to fight will be essential to your victory.

this game has been created by CHRIS MONVEL and mugen society.

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