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Hombre araña. Ruptura de dimensión

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 Well, we all know the legendary superheroes of Marvel. But how many of us are Spider-Man fans?
Well, maybe this mugen game will tell us how many fans it will gather. The game is called Spider-Man Dimension Break and is an entirely new universe where the world revolves around the eponymous hero.
The game is amazing and uses the standard mechanics of MUGEN. This means that it has excellent and the Monroe core drives its components.
Ogryata offers a choice of 20 game characters. In fact, most of them are transfigurations of Venom. There's Spider-Woman, Ben Really, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2099, as well as The Werewolf of X-Men. All the other characters are different incarnations of Venom. This alien organism seems to be very impressed with Ben's abilities, because each of his images has the original abilities of a spider. So it is with Wolvenom. This symbiote has allied with the werewolf and is now a new creature. Razor-sharp blades and sticky cobwebs.
Fag's character makes an impression. This is also the most practical choice of character to play with. Powerful, agile and elusive, he strikes far blows and very often the opponent's defense is helpless. An attacking character who easily gains supremacy.
Eddie Brock is without a doubt the strongest and most powerful character. This is also the classic type of symbiote. Eddie Brock is also the last boss in this game, showing his imperfections only in the battle against Phage.
Overall, Spider-Man.Dimension Break is deafeningly good game and different in theme. Fans will appreciate this story of the game and will be able to immerse themselves in the diverse world of spiders.


 This game has been created by  Schurkin and mugen society.

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