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X-Men: Hijos del Átomo

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X-Men-Children of the Atom

 Mugen with a game dedicated to X-MEN. Such games are not uncommon, but each one is new, different and brings its own unique gameplay and gaming experience. X-Men: Children of the Atom includes 49 selectable characters with which you can lead your battles for supremacy. In general, the gameplay comes down to eliminating the powerful Exodus and the invincible Bastion.
These two bosses are very strong and even for the mighty sentinel it will be difficult to defeat them. It is best to use units that can hit far.
As a layout, X-Men: Children of the Atom uses standard MUGEN graphics without flaunting perfect graphics or HD. However, the gameplay will exhaust you and that's what makes this game so interesting.


 This game has been created by gui0007/Gui Santos  and mugen society.

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